Born in Miyazaki in 1980, Akihito Yoshida earned a degree in Special Education from Shiga University and then taught Japanese for a year at a university in Thailand.Upon returning to Japan,He taught at a primary school in Kyoto for six years and then, in 2010,began a career as a documentary photographer.He has self-published two photobooks-Brick Yard(200 copies,2014)and Tannery (500copies,2016)-and will soon publish a third, The Absence of Two(111copies,August 2017),documenting the lives of his grandmother and cousin.Winner of the 2016 Nikkei National Geographic Photography Award for People,he was also short-listed for the 2015 Paris Photo Aperture Foundation Photo book Award. Yoshida lives in Kyoto.
Born in Osaka in 1980. First class architect living in Osaka. After graduating from Shiga University's Faculty of Education, he entered Chiba University Graduate School of Architecture. After that, he joined Asahi Kasei Homes to design homes and apartments.
After retiring, he joined SHARP and Kobayashi Pharmaceutical to conduct marketing activities for new products.
Established own design & marketing office MARL DESIGN STUDIO from 2017.
finger sweets stand "kagunomi-dou" architectural design & concept planning, Japanese tea stand "YUGEN" architectural design, and other store design, house design. In addition, he is actively engaged in marketing consulting activities for companies and special lectures at the Kinki University Business Administration Department.
写真家 吉田 亮人
インドやバングラデシュの肉体労働者を取材し、2014年に写真集「Brick Yard」を出版。同作はParis Photo - Aperture First Photo Book Awardにノミネートされる。
自身の祖母と従兄弟に関するストーリー「The Absence of Two」を111部限定私家版写真集として出版(2017年)。同作品は2019年に日仏両国の出版社(青幻舎、Editions Xavier Barral)より出版される。日経ナショナルジオグラフィック写真賞ピープル部門最優秀賞(2016)、コニカミノルタ・フォトプレミオ年度大賞(2014)など、受賞多数。
建築家 伊藤 崇
2017年より自身の設計&マーケティング事務所 MARL DESIGN STUDIOを設立。
finger sweets stand「kagunomi-dou」の建築デザイン&コンセプト立案、日本茶スタンド「YUGEN」の建築デザイン、その他店舗デザイン、住宅デザイン多数。その他、企業へのマーケティングコンサルティング活動、近畿大学経営学部特別講義など精力的に活動中。